Welcome Message from the Department Chair of Special Education to New Students
The curtain falls but we have never gone
One of the hottest topics in higher education this year is the "AI enrollment" frenzy sparked by NVIDIA founder and CEO Jensen Huang during his June visit to Taiwan where he delivered a speech. The list included 17 public and private colleges and universities. However, it has also caused many students who were not admitted to these institutions to question themselves. As a freshman entering college, you might wonder, "Will my school be 'phased out' if it didn't get into a university 'recognized' by the AI godfather?"
Jensen Huang once said, "Never stop asking questions and seeking answers." So, if you have this concern, you shouldn't just let it go. You need to make a hypothesis and test it. This hypothesis begins with "Due to Jensen Huang's 'lack of information,' and can be extended into the following points:
- 有所不知一:黃仁勳提到「台灣是無名的英雄,卻是世界的支柱。」。而你未來將成為的特教老師正是台灣的無名英雄:默默耕耘地支持著特殊需求學生的成長。
Jensen Huang mentioned, “Taiwan is the unsung hero, a steadfast pillar of the world.” You, as a future special education teacher, are precisely Taiwan's unsung heroes, quietly supporting the growth of students with special needs.
- 有所不知二:黃仁勳曾說「領導力的展現,就是建造舞台讓他人發光發熱。」而特教老師教學能力的展現,是建造舞台讓特殊需求學生發光發熱。
Jensen Huang once said, "The most powerful technologies are the ones that empower others." The teaching abilities of special education teachers are demonstrated by creating a stage for students with special needs to shine.
- 有所不知三:黃仁勳強調「保有開放的合作心態與夥伴關係,是驅使進步和創新的關鍵。」特教老師能與相關專業人員進行團結協作、攜手共進。
Jensen Huang emphasized, "Open collaboration and partnership are the keys to driving progress and innovation." Special education teachers can unite and collaborate with related professionals to progress together.
- 有所不知四:黃仁勳提到:「無論是追求目標,還是為了生存,都別用走的,用跑的!」。追著學生跑是特教老師很基本的技能。
Jensen Huang mentioned, "Whether pursuing goals or surviving, don't walk, run!" Running after students is a very basic skill of a special education teacher.
- 有所不知五:黃仁勳推薦通化夜市的「阿婆水果攤」,然他可能不知:高屏溪以南,墾丁大街以北,尚有融合高教、技職及師培三大體系的綜合型大學:「國立屏東大學」!
Jensen Huang recommended the "Grandma's Fruit Stand" at Tonghua Night Market, but he might not know that south of Gaoping River and north of Kenting Street, there is a comprehensive university that integrates higher education, vocational education, and teacher training: "National Pingtung University!"
Regardless of whether the AI godfather's list is convincing, both you and I have unique reasons for choosing the Special Education Department at National Pingtung University. Whether this reason can withstand challenges depends on how firmly you believe in and adhere to your ideals.
A special education teacher is a profession that requires a thirst for knowledge, an innovative breakthrough, and the pursuit of excellence. Jensen Huang once said, "I am the product of my parents' dreams and aspirations." While keeping the quote in mind, I hope you remember another saying: "The most moving image you ‘generate' in your life is the product of your own dreams and aspirations."
“Jensen Huang” has left the building
We will still shoot for the stars
特教系系主任 鍾儀潔
Department Chair of Special Education
Yi-Chieh (Jessie) Chung