









專      書


翻   譯   書

Cooper, J. O., Heron, T. E., Heward, W. L. (2007). Applied behavior analysis (2nd ed.) Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. 鈕文英、鍾儀潔等譯(2012):應用行為分析。台北:學富文化事業有限公司。

期 刊 論 文




Chronister, J., Johnson, E. T., Chan, F., Tu, W. M., Chung, Y. C., & Lee, G. (2016). Positive person-environment factors as mediators between perceived burden and quality of life of caregivers of individuals with traumatic brain injuries. Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin, 59(4), 235246. Chronister, J., Johnson, E. T., Chan, F., Tu, W. M., Chung, Y. C. (鍾儀潔), & Lee, G. (2016).以正向個體-環境因子為腦傷照顧者之感知負擔與生活品質的中介變項。復健諮商學刊。〕 [SSCI]

Chung, Y. C. & Feng. H. (2014). Training special educational teachers to conduct two common types of preference assessments. Journal of Special Education, 40, 93-112. 〔鍾儀潔、鳳華(2014):訓練特教老師實施兩種偏好評量法,特殊教育學報,4093-112〕。[TSSCI]

Cannella-Malone, H. I., Fleming, C., Chung, Y. C., Wheeler, G., Basbagill, A., & Singh, A. (2011). Teaching daily living skills to seven individuals with severe intellectual disabilities: A comparison of video prompting to video modeling. Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions. 13, 144-153. Cannella-Malone, H. I., Fleming, C., Chung, Y. C.(鍾儀潔), Wheeler, G., Basbagill, A., & Singh, A. (2011): 教導嚴重智能障礙學生日常生活技巧影片提示與影片示範的比較,正向行為介入期刊。〕[SSCI]

Chung, Y. C., & Cannella-Malone, H. I. (2010). The effects of presession manipulations on automatically maintained challenging behavior and task responding. Behavior Modification, 34, 479-502.〕〔 Chung, Y. C. (鍾儀潔)Cannella-Malone, H. I. (2010).時段前操弄對自動增強和工作反應的效果。行為矯正〕[SSCI]

Fleming, C. V., Wheeler, G. M., Cannella-Malone, H. I., Basbagill, A. R., Chung, Y. C., Graham Day, K. (2010). An evaluation of the use of eye gaze to measure preference of individuals with severe physical and developmental disabilities. Developmental Neurorehabilitation, 13, 266-275. Fleming, C. V., Wheeler, G. M., Cannella-Malone, H. I., Basbagill, A. R., Chung, Y. C.(鍾儀潔), Graham Day, K. (2010): 以眼神凝視測量七位嚴重身心障礙者的偏好。發展神經復健〕。[SCI]

Chung, Y. C., & Niew, W. (2005). Functional analysis and treatment of stereotypical behavior for two children with autism. Bulletin of Special Education, 26, 171-199.〔鍾儀潔、鈕文英(2004):自閉症兒童固著行為的功能分析與介入成效之研究,特殊教育研究學刊,26177-199[TSSCI]

研 討 會 論 文





Chung. Y. C. (2017, May). Using tact training to produce emergent relations between numbered musical notations and notes in a female with autism. Poster presentation, the 43th Annual ABA Conference, Denver, Colorado.

鍾儀潔 (2014)。閱讀素養與閱讀創新教學。102學年度輔仁大學師資培育中心「以學習為導向的教學創新學術研討會」。新北市,台灣。

Chung. Y. C., & Feng. H., & Malone, H. I. (2012). Training special educational teachers to conduct two common types of preference assessments. Poster presentation, the 38th Annual ABA Conference, Seattle, Washington. 訓練特教老師實施兩種偏好評量法(國際應用行為分析年會美國於華盛頓西雅圖).

Chung, Y. C., & Malone, H. I. (2009). The effect of prior exposure to antecedent events as motivation operations on automatically reinforced behavior. Symposium, the 35th Annual ABA Conference, Phoenix, Arizona. 以前事事件為動機操弄對於自動性增強之行為的影響(國際應用行為分析年會美國亞利桑那州鳳凰城專業座談會)

Chung, Y. C. (2008). The Effects of Assistive Technology on the On- Task Behavior and Academic Performance of High School Students with Disabilities Receiving Services via the EnvisionIT Transition Curriculum. Poster presentation, Multiple Perspectives 2008 Conference, The Ohio State University. 科技輔助(EnvisionIt轉銜課程服務)對於高中身心障礙學生學術表現和成績之成效的研究

Chung, Y. C., & Malone, H. I. (2008). The effect of prior exposure to antecedent events as motivation operations on automatically reinforced behavior and task responding. Poster presentation, the 34th Annual ABA Conference, Chicago, Illinois. 前事操弄對於自動性增強行為和工作表現的影響(國際應用行為 析年會美國伊利諾斯州芝加哥)

Chung, Y. C., & Niew, W. (2007). Functional analysis and treatment of stereotypical behavior for two children with autism. Poster presentation, the 33rd Annual ABA Conference, San Diego, California. 自閉症兒童固著行為的功能分析與介入成效 (國際應用行為 析年會美國於加州聖第牙哥)

Malone, H. I., Chung, Y. C., & Cartell, A. (2007). An examination of the effects of sensory integration environments on an individual with developmental disabilities. Poster presentation, the 33rd Annual ABA Conference, San Diego, California. 學校感覺統合對發展障礙兒童問題行為和工作表現的分析(國際 應用行為析年會美國於加州聖第牙哥)

研 究 計 畫

110~111學年教育部補助師資培育之大學領域教材教法人才培育計畫: Get the ball rolling: 實踐「行動、生動與感動」的專業發展社群 】

